Sunday, January 20, 2013

The world continues!

 Most of you who read this are involved in it, so there is not much need to talk about it.  Suffice it to say that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year have gone with their usual festivities and goings and comings.  Of especial note is that the world did not end on December 21, and that we are stuck with continuing on with things.  But that is not really all that bad - or is it?

We do want to recognize the visit of Marilyn and Tyler over the New Year; they had been on Colorado for Christmas Day, and then came here.  We all had a grand time when they were here.  A couple of pictures from around then:

But other things were happening around then - maybe they should have happened in better weather, but it was not too bad out, and we did not freeze or starve.  On January 7 and 8 we got a new furnace and hot water heater.  We decided that the old stuff - about 60 years old - was too old, and splurged on new stuff.  They promise that we will use much less oil.  Anyway, here is the old stuff (taken the day they started):

And here is the new stuff:

One thing we noticed almost immediately is that the hot water can now be used in one place at the same time without freezing someone else. Kosco did the whole job of removal, disposal, installation, cleanup, etc.  Come to find out in talking to one of guys, that Kosco is owned by a Russian oil company!  Who knows!  (And does it really make any difference?)

Later that week we also got a new oven and microwave combination.  Had to shop a little for that because most of the stuff these days is 30 inches wide, and we only had space for 24 inches.  But at Lowe’s we did find a combination that would fit into the old space with just a little modification.  Reason for getting this is that the old one was 28 years of age, and the microwave was broken.  Ann (and I) were rather lost for a while, but we go used to using the toaster oven for heating things. But it is great to have a microwave again.  A pair of before and after pictures:

Sorry about the strange spacing on the pictures; it looks good in the creating area, but not in the preview!

Well, that will have to do it for now.  Have a great 2013 - now that the world is continuing on.

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